AGW F1. 12 French infantry Charging inc Officer and trumpeter
AGWBart.1 Field Artillery Battery
AGWBart.2 Field Artillery Battery
AGWBB Brigade.1 .British Line Infantry
AGWBB Brigade.2 .British Foot Guards
AGWBB Brigade.3 .British Elite Infantry
AGWBB Brigade.4 .British Scots Lowland Brigade
AGWBB Brigade.5 British Scots Highland Brigade
AGWBB Brigade.6. Foreign Service. British Scots Highland Brigade
AGWBB Brigade.7 British Infantry Foreign Service
AGWF 10 - French Curassiers x6 walking horse
AGWF.1Charging French infantry (12 figure Unit)
AGWF.2Marching French Infantry (12 figure Unit)
AGWF.3Advancing French Infantry (12 figure unit)
AGWF.4French Infantry Kneeling and Standing Firing (12 figure unit)
AGWF.5French Infantry Prone firing and Kneeling Firing (12 figure unit)
AGWF.6French Infantry Kneeling Firing (12 figure unit)
AGWF.7French Infantry Standing Firing (12 figure unit)
AGWF.8French Infantry Prone Firing (12 figure unit)
AGWF11 - French Chasseurs d Afrique x6
AGWF12 - French Dragoon’s Trotting x6
AGWF9 - French Chasseurs /hussars x6 on standing horse
AGWFB Brigade.1 .French Infantry
AGWJ.1 Charging Japanese infantry (rolled Greatcoat) (12 figure Unit)
AGWJ.10 Japanese Infantry Charging (12 figure Unit)
AGWJ.11 Japanese Marching Infantry at the Slope.(rolled Blanket) (12 Figure Unit
AGWJ.12 Japanese Infantry Running at the Slope.(rolled Blanket). (12 Figure Uni
AGWJ.13 Japanese Infantry Attention (Rolled Blanket) ( 12 figure unit)
AGWJ.2 Marching Japanese Infantry at trail (rolled Greatcoat) (12 figure Unit)
AGWJ.3 Advancing Japanese Infantry (rolled Greatcoat) (12 figure unit)
AGWJ.4 Japanese Infantry Running at the trail (rolled Greatcoat) (12 figure uni
AGWJ.5 Japanese Infantry Kneeling and Standing Firing (12 figure unit)